
rabbitholes - what did you dive into this weekend? why were you excited about these topics? what were some key takeaways?

Realized that I talk about telling stories, and although I love telling them, I haven’t explored the fundamentals. I’m at rabbitholeathon right now, and have chose story telling as my rabit hole. This is what came from it:

references - link the articles, books, resources you accessed over the weekend! drop your curius, blog posts anything!

memories - favourite moments from this weekend and things people said that stuck with you

  • Our bonfire was the perfect mix of warmth, laughter, and love
  • 3am dating advice
  • fishbowl game
  • talking neurotech with jennifer, alicia, kasra, and emily
  • talking education with amir and alicia
  • learning about 26 minute naps
  • mapping out asymmetrical “educational institutions”
    • the knowledge society
    • hack club

overall thoughts - any overall thoughts + reflections you had for the weekend

  • The term “rabbit hole” is misleading. It gives the image of a linear path of research, and an eventual end. Contrarily, diving into rabbit holes creates new branches at every part of the way—the most open loop of all time. With so many branches shooting off in different directions, it is easy for your mind to become fogged. For this reason, it is essential to cut these branches as you go—either fully explore the branch, or act as if it never grew.
  • Rather than rabbitholeathon, I would name this “breadth-first-search-athon” - joke
  • A prevailing factor in talented individuals is their ability to concurrenty manage a plethora of large open loops.
    • also a good memory
    • also good sense of direction
  • It seems that being able to ask the right questions is a superpower
  • conversation is key for idea generation, however it seems that knowledge is the foundational background for good conversations. In other words, read first, then talk.
  • Noticing that many intelligent people lack child-like wonder/optimism
    • unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing
  • This in person retreat ignited a miniature community between the people that went there. Curious if/when it will fizzle out.