- Fadr - Autonomous hair clippers. Retrofitted motorized clippers + app to choose haircuts let’s you give yourself a fade in minutes; demoed live to 1000+ people
- 3Brown1Blue - Agent-based AI generated educational videos with animations in the style of 3Blue1Brown
- ScadLM - Agent-based AI generated iterable CAD models - Won Runpod hackathon
- MiniMe - a digital AI clone to send messages for you - Won Shack15 AI hackathon
- GhostWriter - an AI freestyle wrapping assistant for straight heat - Won Hackwestern 9
- The Perfect Word - a tool to help you find the perfect word from whatever is in your mind
- TimeTurner - a task management tool that uses energy levels to optimize your day
- Tickit - an app that can automate parking ticket contests
- TerrAble - a block coding platform to make smart contracts as easy as possible. Built for the Terra blockchain RIP.
- HALO - a smartwatch application that automatically detects cardiac irregularities - CWSF Bronze
- DARE - an augmented reality ecosystem to assist dementia patients
- ReNews - a fake news detector website
- Convers8 - your digital speech coach
- Chemistry Factory - a mobile game to help kids learn about the manufacturing process
- Where is My Bus - a mobile app I built with my municipality to have live updates of our local transit system
- UW Cache - a unified space for students at the University of Waterloo to find storage spaces when they leave for a co-op term.
- FM SASS - facilitating the sharing of assets among social profits in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
- Other Websites - other random websites I’ve made over the years