Cansbridge Fellowship


  • I think this is the time I solve my communication problems
    • I really enjoy the idea of “moving something once”, or in other words, doing something as soon as you think about it.
    • Probably my biggest weakness in my professional and personal life combined is what I would dub as “flakiness”. I procrastinate, I commit to things that I don’t care for, I respond in weeks instead of hours, etc. I think if I can manage my flakiness in this conference, then I can handle it anywhere.
  • I realize I’ve come into this conference with a somewhat closed mind. I had to leave Mexico, and I’m taking a risk by just going to japan during the school term. I hope to pry it open though. I know for a fact that the people here are awesome, and Harpriya has curated this very intentionally (maybe even Joss levels who knows).
  • I don’t want to make any goals about life longs friends, but if I choose to indulge, I promise to keep up with them and not continue the classic Krish phenomenon.
  • Another challenge will be keeping up with school while this happens
  • Also to find a professor for mitacs bruh this shit is so annoying
  • Tangibly, I think I will master my personal pitch
  • Strong voice
  • I think I’ll try to practice “active daydreaming” here. I used to be pretty good at zoning out without people noticing. I’ll practice that here a little.

General thoughts

  • This conference seems like it is going to be quite similar to the rabbitholeathon. It makes sense, since Harpriya probably got inspiration from there. I should ask her how she went about designing this.
  • I do strongly believe that voice tone and gravitas matters a lot. I’ve noticed that amongst smart people it is very easy to hold a powerful voice.
  • I want to learn statistics between X and those with cracked phones. I think it shows a lot about one’s character.
  • The person taking notes is almost the most powerful. They change the way in which thoughts are codified, strengthening and weakening certain parts. It’s also interesting the power that selective ambiguity holds.
  • “If you’re not generous by nature, do know that being generous is strategic.”

Cool People


I’ll just list out my thoughts of activities here

  • Social contract
    • The discussion was good, and I do agree that details matter, but the making of the contract was a waste of time IMO. The point is to define the environment but the contract itself was kind of lossy, due to a lack of buy in. In general you would never put 30 strangers in the same room to make a constitution.

The Project


  • Earthquake detection using seismograph app
  • Earthquake detection using ionized air
  • Human trafficking
  • Internet censorship
  • Immigration/refugee forms
  • Nitrogen fixation - gene editing for creating nitrogen
    • Add nitrogen to plant seeds idk ask jolie
  • Finding lost persons during crises/natural disasters
  • internet information diet
  • Using ai to detect when food is compostable/recyclable
  • Neurotech transcranial ultrasound
  • Optimal places to put wells in africa
  • Wildfire detection
  • Clean water (even ohio oil spill)
  • drones in developing countries/wartorn areas
    • zipline
  • Overdoses




Pitching ideas

  • Talk show
  • Fireside chat


  • let me shove some electrodes in someones brain to see if it gives them superpowers
  • what if I cloned people as a startup
  • i want to help hundreds of thousands of people in crisis by writing a few lines of code from my dorm room
  • bathrooms are too oldschool
  • dude, we should make a podcast