“You’d be surprised, there are plenty of interesting people within your reach. The hardest part is to find the ones that you get along with.” - Evelyn

One long term bet that I’m making is looking for cool people early. This sounds shallow, but aside from kinship, I observe traits and create perfect roles my friends and peers would play in a company I would make. I spend a non-trivial amount of time on this. Moreover, I am looking hard to find a CEO type person who I trust more than myself. This is slightly selfish because there are many who could do a better job than me, but I believe trust to be the key metric here.

Less objectively, I wonder if one’s early 20s are the right time to look for a long-term relationship. Regardless, I’m ecstatic to have met Suhani—I’m sure there is no-one in the world like her.

I’ve had the privilege to really dive deep with a ton of hard-to-reach people in my lifetime:

“Who is the coolest person in the world”?

  • David Blaine
  • Bryan Johnson
  • Palmer Lucky
  • Elon Musk
  • Sam Altman I wonder what non-tech people would say