When asked if I reminded people of a sharp or round shape, most people said round, and bubbly.
- komal said cloud because I’m a go with the wind person
- kushal said “thinky”
- Adrian said opportunistic
I like the idea of recurring easter eggs over time like the socratica characters
I like ditto
I’ve been thinking more about this. Some things that are important to me are some sense of wonder or mystique. That being said, I’m quite a straightforward person. I want it to seem like there are two layers to my brand.
For example, the Five Nights at Freddy’s brand really interests me. Their websites and promos seem simple enough, but there are always easter eggs. For my brand, I wouldn’t want the easter eggs to be so hard to find.
Another example is the Marauder’s Map from Harry Potter
I like the idea of having to “solemnly swear you are up to no good” before you can enter. Otherwise the map still exists but isn’t as deep as it’s meant to be.
Lastly I like the overall idea of magic. Cards have been in my life for a while now, so it would be cool to have a brand that’s centred around magic of sorts. Shin lim’s website is cool, but not interactive enough.
I don’t want my website to be inconvenient though. The time to information should be relatively instant. At no point should a user be bored.
Other inspiration: https://aspireai.com/