title: “trip to LA” draft: true

Day 1

After a long day of traveling, I finally reached the airbnb and met some of the coolest people in the world. We talked about:

  • Evelyn described how climate change is the most pressing issue, and the only real solution is activism
    • Things like bringing people to space only help the rich
    • climate is tied to too many things to be a technical fix, rather an adaptive fix is more relevant
    • I’m still not convicted activism is the solution
  • Evelyn also discussed how important therapy was to her. She discovered she is truly lonely
    • this is weird to me because I’ve always had people around me. I’ve never felt alone. To be honest, I found this to be a barrier sometimes, because lonely people often output the best work
    • she also mentioned that she recommends doing psychadelics, similar to Anish Jain and Sly
  • I need to put Evelyn on Curius
    • done
  • Met Vaibhav, probably the highest trajectory teen from all of Nepal, however I believe that he is still naive and not and independant thinker - similar to aman.
    • Vaibhav is very good at social media and content creation and is longing for a community

Rest of week

Lots changed since first day. Realizing that the first day I wrote about people’s interests and their value propositions to the world. I now know more about them, and it seems that I’m more interested in that. (Could be a sign that I am very interested in knowing how the inner minds of people work).

Evelyn is awesome. I think I got closer to her, but she is someone I wanna keep in my life—similar to Suhani.

I told Evelyn that I am thinking about quitting Emerge. I had a dinner with Sly that is trying to convince me otherwise. I’m very interested in Sly, and how he turned out like this, especially his stance on introvert vs extrovert.

Evelyn made me realize that I derive my personal value from public opinion

Vaibhav is very interesting. I find him naive and frankly annoying—but he thinks in a very interesting way.