Is the first person to do something the trendsetter, or is it the second person?

It is insanely hard to talk openly about polarizing topics, specifically ones dealing with politics in some form. Abstracting too much loses the value of the conversation, and specifying too much can become quite crass.

I am the most imaginitive near dream states. Right before going to sleep or right after waking up. Similar to my dreams though, I forget most of the ideas I have at these times.

I really like personification of concepts and attributes.

At a recent all-Bryan meeting, all the Bryans shared their experiences with this unconventional new routine. While Evening Bryan frequently complains about hunger and the social awkwardness of not eating at dinner with family and friends, he feels relieved in this arrangement. Nighttime Bryan now sleeps soundly through the night, and Morning Bryan is well rested and sharp, ready to tackle the challenges of the day.

Education has a data problem. He never listens to me.

I don’t think my family will ever really understand the glory I feel in this world. I’m goofing off founders. I’m talking shop with inventors. I’m in groupchats with my idols. Never in my life would I have imagined this.

I feel like you can tell how much work someone near you is doing depending on the click to typing ratio