I’ve had the chance to talk with some pretty cool people. For them I crafted some custom questions as well.

  • lf you had unlimited resources, time, and energy, what would you create and why? or would you just chill?”
  • “What do you think the hardest problem in the world is?”
  • “Thoughts on _
  • What’s something new/interesting that you’ve heard/learned/tried recently?
  • What have you changed your mind on in the recent year?
  • “What do you want to die with? What is it you would like to be known for? Or do you not want to be known? pseudonymous
  • “How far do you think we are from AGl?”
  • “What are you dedicating the most of your time to this year?”
  • Where do you find flow? What do they lose themselves in. What is their zone (athletes). i.e. forget to check their phone or get hungry.
  • lf u could choose anyone from history to have dinner with, who would it be?
  • What’s your utopia?
  • Who would you be with, where would you be, and what would you be doing.
  • In 5 years what are you gonna do
  • Who is the coolest person in the world
  • What is the hardest thing you’ve done
  • What is one thing about you that not enough people know
  • If you were gonna commit a crime, what crime would you commit?

Also see: http://jackieluo.com/questions http://36questionsinlove.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proust_Questionnaire