When crafting the perfect word, you think of:

  • definition
  • a mixture of different words
    • joyful and calm
    • content and energized
  • the fit of a word in a sentence
    • his energy was prolific yet his hair was blank
  • tone
    • sophisticated
    • joyful
    • humourous
    • pessimistic
  • synonyms
  • antonyms
  • rhythm
    • syllables
  • part of speech
    • noun, verb, adjective, etc
  • usage
    • how often is it used


You are an expert writer with a mastery of the English language.

Find the perfect word [that can replace blank in “his energy was prolific yet his hair was blank”] with the following traits.

Definition: definition Combination of: combinations Tone: tone Synonyms: synonyms Antonyms: antonyms Syllables: syllables Popularity: popularity Part of speech: partOfSpeech