• I’ve been ever concerned about understanding tech, but in the future, tech should understand me
  • yc meeting
    • how important do you think central is
      • saptarshi
        • central is very important, there is a lot of disparity between the skills that people have and the potential education available
        • not as many people learn from advanced workshops, but basic workshops happen too often
        • doesn’t know how successful it will be
        • people are using eventbrite because the incentive is to stay on a platform they are using
        • centrals advantages to eventbrite
          • auto sign up
          • the bridge between an attendee and organizer
            • people don’t have a clear path to learn on what they have already learned
        • advanced workshops
      • sparsh
        • going forward, it will make things more interesting, educationally, incentivizes
        • concerned about virtual currency
        • doesn’t know what will happen success wise, eventbrite will be an issue
        • central will be very good once its scaled
      • shaaf
        • has potential to connect youth to the tech world
          • doesn’t understand that it is for EVERYONE
        • also concerned about virtual currency
        • not worried about conveying amount of features or purpose
      • lokesh
        • concerned with user traction
        • recognizes that we need to have critical mass to begin, but that may be hard
        • idea/premise is really good
        • maintanence
          • who is going to make sure central is going to be running well
          • long term
      • priyank
        • marketing gonna be hard
          • need enough people using it
        • doesn’t see why orgs wouldn’t use it. YC posts events on as many platforms as possible, so doesn’t think that eventbrite will be that big of an issue
          • eventbrite and central may be able to coexist
      • heet
      • dhruv
        • we can track a path of learning in the user
        • events arent really that good to learn
        • premise of central
          • make internal tools to figure out how much they learned at a workshop
        • how to we explain central to people????
      • as long as we can explain central to people, and get enough events, it will be useful and successful
    • what is the importance of YC and why
      • saptarshi
        • audience is different (we get most youth)
        • nothing is really different in events
          • will be different after central
      • sparsh
        • interested in internal impact of YC
      • shaaf
        • wants to inspire youth
        • interaction and vibe between youth and youth is nice
      • lokesh
        • students for students is essential
        • adults don’t know what youth want
      • priyank
        • inspiration is important
          • inspired even before he was in YC
        • learning more should happen at home
        • advanced workshops is good
      • heet
        • yc is most inspiring
          • stempower was GOAT
        • after joining yc, he was connected to the tech world
          • internal impact is there
      • dhruv
        • loved yc when they first started
          • community NEEDED this
          • started a trend where other people started doing these things
        • projects team takes a whole different approach to YC
          • metric based learning
        • lot that can and will be improved
    • potential struggles for future (shaaf sparsh)
      • knowledge of tech as a whole
      • teaching/training new recruits
      • not confident in their ability to continue current progress
      • believe that leadership comes naturally
      • believe that it all comes down to commitment
        • more commitment when we graduate
          • interesting hmm
      • sparsh is excited to learn in the future
      • shaaf likes the sense of fulfillment that it brings
      • sporadic productivity is an issue amongst everyone—there is less to be excited about
    • key takeaways
      • most think of YC AS a personal project, not something separate holding them back from what they want to do
      • everyone loves internal impact
      • as long as we can explain central to people, and get enough events, it will be useful and successful
      • main role of YC is to inspire
      • definite struggles in the future, but believe commitment is key