idea video ** See our presentation at the 2024 Socratica Symposium Website

Idea: Autonomous hair clippers that detect where they are on your head, and automatically change the guard length to allow users to give themselves a perfect haircut within minutes. The project has two main parts:

  • modified hairclippers with a motorized guard and sensors
  • application that allows user to select what type of haircut they want, and handles processing for realtime changes

I worked on this project heavily in March 2024, and made significant progress with my friend Chinemerem. We got to a place where we could give haircuts, but there were consistent problems preventing us from achieving our final goal: a fresh 1 minute fade.

Mainly 2 things:

  • Itā€™s an insanely hard problem to try and get the 3d position of something in such a granular fashion without external sensors (something that is important to me)
  • Mechanical backlash is the enemy of cutting hair especially because even a mm makes a difference

I was a bit too embarrassed to show this before, but I think itā€™s pretty funny that I convinced my friends to try cutting their hair before my own. Things like accidentally giving my friend a reverse fade because of a software bug. Or giving another friend the craziest -1/10 haircut of his life.

Updates - Jan 2025

Itā€™s now 8 months later and this has been one of my favourite projects Iā€™ve ever worked on. This is mainly for a couple reasons:

  • I can see immediate practical use for technology like this. Imagine if you had to go to the dentist every time you wanted to brush your teeth. That is the current state of cutting hair.
  • It was an interesting engineering problem. It spanned both hardware and software and required a lot of critical thinking and ingenuity to get to the place that we are, and will require a lot more to get further.
  • Itā€™s playful!

It was originally my dream to make a YouTube video out of this project. I filmed a lot for it, but the truth is, it never got to the position that I wanted it to be. Iā€™ve already spent hundreds of dollars on it and countless weeks of effort. But now, looking at this project again, while itā€™s staring at me, I canā€™t help but think about giving it another shot.

My goal is to actually get that fresh one minute fade and finally be able to put out the YouTube video. The video will contain a technical deep dive, but more importantly a story, lasting more than a year, about how some uni kids became obsessed with cutting hair.


Note, I used to be in Waterloo, which had easy access to a makerspace. Just a couple minutes walk away. Right now I am doing the residency in New York. And, as a result, donā€™t have easy access to a makerspace. So I have to buy some of the fundamental components to build things like power supplies and other stuff.

ItemPrice (USD)
High Quality Clipper$30
2x Low Quality Clipper$10 (total)
2 kg of 3D Printing Filament$40
2x 20 kg Servo Motors$60 (total)
Linear Actuator with Position Sensor$130
3x ESP32$20 (total)
Power Supply$40
Soldering Station$60
Consumables (nuts, bolts, solder, wiring, perf boards)$70
Small Stepper Motor$30
AirPods for head trackingAlready Have
iPhoneAlready Have

Tracking sensors depending on what tracking method ends up working best. Will start with just an iphone and then go through this list. As I add more sensors, will do sensor fusion as well. Hopefully I donā€™t have to end up testing all of these, but Iā€™ll give myself a $500 budget for sensors because Iā€™ll have to try multiple and they tend to get expensive.

MethodSensor TypeSensor NameApproximate Price
Inertial MeasurementIMUAdafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055$34.95
Optical TrackingDepth CameraIntelĀ® RealSenseā„¢ Depth Camera D435$179.99
Optical TrackingStereo CameraMYNT EYE Stereo Camera399
Optical Flow TrackingOptical Flow SensorPixArt PMW3901 Optical Flow Sensor30
Ultra-Wideband (UWB)UWB Positioning SystemPozyx UWB Developer Kit1,000
Electromagnetic Tracking3D Magnetic SensorAllegro 3DMAGā„¢ Position SensorContact for pricing
Electromagnetic Tracking3D Magnetic SensorInfineon 3D Magnetic SensorContact for pricing
Capacitive SensingTouch SensorMPR121 Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout$7.50
Radio Frequency (RF)RF Tracking SystemDecaWave DW1000 UWB Transceiver Module$29.99

Total Budget: $1000

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